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Author(s):      Torbjörn Ott
ISBN:      978-972-8939-81-6
Editors:      Inmaculada Arnedillo Sánchez and Pedro Isaías
Year:      2013
Edition:      Single
Keywords:      Mobile phones, policy, newspapers, debate, conceptions.
Type:      Full Paper
First Page:      109
Last Page:      116
Language:      English
Cover:      cover          
Full Contents:      click to dowload Download
Paper Abstract:      The impact of mobile learning on education is dependent not only on educational understanding but also on opinions of the public and policymakers. The debate in media reflects opinions and aims in different levels of the society. In order to enrich the view on what mobile learning has to battle in order to reach its full potentials I have studied news articles in order to capture some common conceptions of mobile phones in school settings. In the debate the mobile IT of mobile phones has been grouped with what is often referred to as “other disturbing objects”, and has been regarded as self evident not being used in class. Mobile phones have been used as anecdotic evidence for accentuating political messages from both the right and the left wing.

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